Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"We will not be afraid to hit back harder than we are hit. That seems to be the language that Vladimir Putin understands."



President Trump responded to recent criticisms of his attitudes towards Russia Tuesday morning by tweeting, “I have been much tougher on Russia than Obama, just look at the facts. Total Fake News!” The president followed up this morning with another tweet, saying, “Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren’t they the subject of the investigation? Why didn’t Obama do something about the meddling?” Special Counsel Robert Mueller's recent indictments have given us more insight into and information about the Russian troll farms that interfered in the election. There’s clearly a lot going on in the Russia probe so Congressman Jim Himes (D-Conn. 04), member of the House Intelligence Committee, jumps on to get us up to speed. Juan Williams, political analyst for Fox News, talks about the future of the evangelical involvement in politics after the passing of Reverend Billy Graham.