Matt Hibbert

Med Mix 135 (Kevin & Perry Special Live!)



Heeeeeelllllooooooooo, we are back with Med Mix 135 the 135th (!!!)in a weekly series of mixes from our resident DJ @MattHibbert. Every Wednesday we'll be uploading a brand new mix for you, perfect for your pre drinks while your getting ready for Med on the Friday! Presented by main room dj @MattHibbert, it's all the biggest tunes from the Med main room along with the standard bad banter. 2018 has gotten off to a bang the last 4 weeks, it's starting to feel like 'the old med' again isn't it, like the Nation days. Our new 'Rave Nation' 90's classic dance room upstairs in the loft has been incredible! Last week was our Kevin & Perry Go Large Ibiza Special, and it was unbelievable, the whole club felt like Amnesia in July 1999! This week it's a Chinese New Year Special. All 3 rooms open, it's just like our days in Nation! Well well well, here we are, Med Mix 135, blimey, I didn't think this would ever make it to 10 episodes let alone over 100, funny how things work out sometimes isn't it. Listen, downlo