Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 43: The Unexpected Benefits of Getting in Shape



Everybody has their own reasons for getting in shape. Whether it's for their health, to look good at the beach or to fit into their wedding dress. All valid reasons and great sources of motivation. In addition, we all hear about what you can expect when you start. More energy, clothes don't fit anymore and better confidence. The benefits of getting in shape are well documented and often are one of the first things that people talk about when they recount their positive health change. But what about the side-effects that you don't expect? What about the changes you start to notice that are completely unexpected and surprisingly awesome! That's what we (mostly Robo) discus this week. We wanted to share our experiences of the positive changes we experience when we started training and exercising that we noticed that we did not expect. Maybe some of these benefits will surprise you and might even provide that missing piece of motivation to help you get into shape! In addition to that red-hot content we discuss 5