Adventures In Branding

The Beauty of Imperfection



How often do we find ourselves criticizing ourselves and/or work? Even to the point that we never share it with anyone without filtering it? Perfection is unattainable. We are perfectly imperfect human beings creating incredibly perfectly imperfect things. Why bother putting a filter on it when the world needs us unfiltered and real? I recently went to Isla Mujeres on a personal development trip with 11 other ladies. We created visions for our lives, worked on big ideas, created steps to implement those ideas, and then wrote out exactly how we would manifest everything we wanted. This wasn't for little dreamers - this was for women with massive magical manifesting powers. And while we were there, I realized that what I wanted was already within me - EXPLOSIVE CREATIVITY! As I sat at the table working on what was blocking me, I realized that you can't schedule creativity - and that my mind needed to be free so I could create. Which reminded me of why I have an enso tattooed on my shoulder. According to Wikip