Christ Fellowship

The Table| Ep. 2 Betrayal and Denial Overcome by Love



Imagine knowing that you only have a matter of hours left with your closest loved ones before everything in life is about to change. What would you want to make sure they know? What emotions would be pulsing through your heart? In John 13-16, we see some of the most intimate moments Jesus ever experienced with his disciples. On the same night as Judas’ betrayal, they enjoy their final meal together in the upper room of a Jerusalem home. With a heavy heart, he imparts final words of wisdom and encouragement. The scene is tender, reassuring, and challenging. Even as his disciples fail to fully grasp the spiritual weight of the next 72 hours, Jesus goes out of his way to express his love for them, his confidence in them, and the promise of victory on the other side of the cross. This special scene offers a crystal-clear view into the burdens and love Jesus carries for his followers. It demonstrates strength under control, genuine humility, and sacrificial love beyond imagination. Join us as we come to Jesus’