Citizen Radio

(2018/02/05) Nunes memo accidentally confirms legitimacy of FBI's investigation; Uma Thurman says Harvey Weinstein assaulted her in Maureen Dowd's terribly written column



Episode #1838: Sign up to support Allison's future BRAND-NEW podcast at for as little as $1/month! Chloe (@itsthechew) and Erek (@erek_smith) join the show to discuss their Super Bowl plans, Magic: The Gathering, and somehow segue into plugging The Dixie Chicks. Also, the Nunes memo accidentally confirms the legitimacy of the FBI's investigation, Trump is already using the memo to undermine the Russia investigation, Uma Thurman says Harvey Weinstein assaulted her (and Maureen Dowd's terrible piece about the accusations), and a 12-year-old girl shoots schoolmates in L.A. The Fun Aunts have discovered leopard print and they're FREAKING OUT. Watch, subscribe, and comment! *** Desi calendars are available again for the Patreon supporters who sign up or upgrade to $10/month!