Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0156 – Smile! It’s Our 4th Anniversary



Celebrate 4 years of sharing together on COD. The power of smiling. In After Thoughts, I ponder gratitude and disappointment. BCs Jo from the U.K. and Josephine send their good wishes and bravery. While wearing my BRAVE tiara, a special 55th birthday gift from BC Suz, I ask the BCs for a special birthday gift for my 59th. Mark shares a quote that enhances his word of the year. Supportive and thoughtful comments from BCs Dave, Dawny, Jo from the U.K., Sue from the U.K. and Josephine. Sue from the U.K shares her quote inspired by her recent bike bravery. Mark and I are on the BC Bravery Sports Report for persisting with our bike training despite setbacks. We relate to Sue's story and are so proud of Sue.