Accent Adventure Podcast: Improve English Pronunciation | Learn American English | Learn British English

“Ash” Sound (Æ) in American English: Æ Tensing



This is it! I’ve finally found out everything about the “ash” sound in American English – and if you’ve also been wondering about the following problem: Why is it that in some American English words the letter ‘A’ gets pronounced as [eə] despite the phonetic transcription describing it as [æ]? … then you should definitely read the rest of this article and watch the video above! Let’s take a very simple word such as “frank”, for example. Any dictionary will tell you it’s pronounced as /fræŋk/ while in reality it’s to be pronounced as [freənk] – it’s almost as if the actual word is “frenk” instead of “frank”. So, over the time I’d noticed that the “ash” sound [æ] is often pronounced as [eə] in American English, but I couldn’t figure out WHEN it’s happening – I mean, are the any RULES? I recorded the first video about it (watch it HERE) a year and a half ago – the conclusion was that you just have to learn which words are subject to the letter ‘A’ sound transformation. Another video followed a year later and