Zeph Daniel Music

Love Blade



Sick. (Lyrics) LOVE BLADE By Zeph Daniel I stab you you stab me Dancin’ fool Go to the high mountain Dance on the edge Wanna see what happened In the end will justice be served? What up? You love me and I love you It’s one thing to sharpen a blade it’s another thing to use it  We love each other don’t we?  So I would think twice if I were you It’s one thing to sharpen a blade it’s another to use it It’s one thing to sharpen a blade it’s another to use it Gettin’ down to it baby Here’s your last chance Will you take it?  Or do you forgive? Or do you take it? Last chance, baby I know we’re gonna hit the wall Last chance, baby Should never have been that’s all Let’s your soul explode I think I really loved you Here’s your last chance That’s right to the cliff and over Last chance, baby Written, Composed, and Produced by Zeph Daniel WWW.ZEPHDANIEL.COM