Observations: The Qando Podcast

Observations for 19 Jan 18



We seem to be at the edge of a Federal government shutdown, which means that the vast majority of us will go to work as usual Monday morning. Republicans say that there is a memo addressing horrific abuses of the FISA surveillance system, but, we haven't actually seen it, so it's probably mainly hype. Still, there's always hope that someone will go to jail, if any of the hype is true. There are 7 billion people on the planet who are candidates to immigrate to America. Opposing a single one of them from coming here makes you a virulent racist. Former FBI Director James Comey is about to embark on an exciting new career. California wants to secede from the union, except for the part of California that wants to secede from California. But, the important question is who is going to pay for the $67 billion bullet train from Bakersfield to Fresno?