Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 40: Binge, Emotional & Over Eating with Lyndi Cohen, The Nude Nutritionist



Food has an amazing ability to bring us together. We celebrate the good times and the bad times while eating, drinking and being merry. But what happens when the emotional relationship with food turns bad? What happens when you find yourself turning to food to alter your emotional state? What about when you start eating and cannot stop yourself? These are real challenges faced by people on a daily basis. People can develop an unhealthy and emotional relationship with food that can lead to massive over eating and binge eating. This week we are joined by dietitian and nutritionist, Lyndi Cohen. Lyndi had an unhealthy emotional relationship with food and struggled with her weight until she decided to make a change. Lyndi stopped dieting and focused on normalising her relationship with food and since then has lost over 20kg, kept it off and has launched the 'Keep it Real' program to help other people with their challenges. We discuss how people form an emotional relationship with food, why people binge or over ea