Loitering And...

Ep.26 Loitering And... Smiley!!!



Finally freed from their infinite time-loop by the time-bandit Tyler, and given the ability to travel freely through space and time, the loiterers venture out to this mysterious new realm eager to learn. Early on in their journey they begin to hear echoes of life reverberating through time. Unsure of what this may be, they try to sense when this is happening to locate the being, but every-when they search houses the same results. They become haunted by this unknown entity for what seems like eternity, until from out of nowhere, a force awakens within them projecting the form of a great time-dweller into their mind’s eye, who introduces himself simply as Smiley. Conversing with him, they learn he has scattered his life across the entirety of time, to help guide people with his knowledge. What they are seeing now is just a single echo, one of an uncountable number, of his former self. But these echoes each hold a story, and to truly understand, one must find each echo and piece all the stories together. Alway