Married Millennials

New Year, Better You



Justin and Joy celebrate the new year by sharing their 2018 theme and unpack the misconceptions behind self-concern. Elevator Pitch Happy New Year!! Going out on New Year’s Eve is overrated. Joy’s weekly wellness newsletter – can’t miss! Justin dropped the price of his online credit card course. Justin’s 2018 Word of the Year: Purpose Joy’s 2018 Word of the Year: Evolve No to resolutions, Yes to themes. Mission Statements for your marriage. Self-concern vs. selfishness. And much more! Spread the Word If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a review on iTunes and share it with your friends! Connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to share your thoughts about the show. Love Jays Newsletter Have you signed up for our newsletter? Join the hundreds who've already subscribed to the best newsletter on the internet! Episode 91 Preview