Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 36: The Think Fit Guide to Surviving Christmas! Don't Let the Festive Season Make You Fat!



It's the most wonderful time of the year. Work is wrapping up, family come together from all over the world. There are parties, feasts and countless celebrations. It's a time of celebration where we are bombarded with temptations that might not always be the healthiest. It is also a time of year where people are already looking to the New Year to reset their health and fitness goals. But who said you need to let the festive season get the best of you? It is possible to celebrate and not completely derail your health and fitness goals. This week we look at some hints and tips to manage your Christmas work party and then we get into ways to not go overboard on Christmas Day. Nothing too complicated but instead we are looking at things like training first thing in the morning, using smaller plates and dividing it up into sections to ensure you get all the goodness you need. We also look at where to put your food and things you can do after the big day to avoid overdoing it for the days after Christmas too. We lo