Cutv News Radio

Episode 623: CUTV News Radio spotlights Cindy Ormiston of Tranquil Vibrations



Dallas, TX – There is so little we understand about the true nature of chronic pain and dis-ease, what causes it and why it can be so severe. And yet doctors routinely prescribe incredibly addicting drugs to manage it. It makes sense to take a step back and look from a completely different angle with a different perspective. There’s an energetic component to our traumatic experiences and they deserve to be explored, especially if the alternative can offer no reasonable hope. Cindy Ormiston is the founder of Tranquil Vibrations, an energy healing practice that specializes in reconnective healing, realigning you emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Cindy reconnects your body to the meridian lines of the universe and the infinite wisdom of the universe and facilitates reconnective healing in person or distance. “Often times our energy flow is shut down and we need to get it set back up,” explains Cindy. “By reconnecting with that energetic source, the life force itself, we’re able to access what we