Cutv News Radio

Episode 669: CUTV News Radio spotlights Carrie J. Meyer of Holoflective Healing



Sacramento, CA – Why do we as human beings struggle within ourselves? Why can we not just mentally resolve all of our conflicts? What does healing actually mean, and what does self-awareness have to do with it? Carrie J. Meyer has devoted much of her life to understanding the nature of internal conflict and suffering, which she has found to be fundamentally related to healing and evolving. This “mission to understand” led her through various kinds of experience and learning and helped her comprehend what holistic really means. Her path has enabled her to cultivate a broad spectrum understanding of human consciousness, which has richly resourced her to help others heal their conflicts and fulfill their evolutionary potential through the paradigm of self-awareness. Meyer is the creator of Holoflective Healing, which encompasses Holographic Energy Work, Holistic Hypnotherapy and Integrative Counseling. “As a human being I’ve experienced and deeply investigated my own fragmentation, which has allowed me to apprec