George Digianni Health And Wellness

Resistant Starch



Have you heard of Resistant Starch?  Most starches are broken down into sugar, however, Resistant Starch resists digestion and increases the amount of fat we use for energy, better insulin sensitivity, improves digestion and strengthens immunity. However, does this fly into the face of science of info we are suppose to follow to lose fat?  We'll discuss more about that point later in the show. What is starch? What foods contain starch? When we see "carbs" listed on a food label is starch a part of (or all of) that? Why might starch be a problem for weight loss? What happens when we fry starch (fries)? What is Resistant Starch? Which foods contain it? What does Resistant Starch do for digestion and what are the other health benefits?   Third segment: Resistant Starch (RS) and weight loss Hot vs cold starch- how does this effect resistant starch? If we let machines and ovens do the digestion for us, we are left with highly digestible starches. Not good for glucose control, stayi