All The Things With Melissa Danielle

You’re a Health Coach, Now What?



  If going to health coaching school wasn't enough, just wait until you graduate! You'll soon find yourself in swimming in a sea of advanced health coach trainings, done-for-you programs, and marketing tactics all trying to hook you into buying their version of what it means to be the biggest and highest paid health coach. When you may not even have clarity on what you want your health coaching practice to look like, it can feel like you need to sign up for every shiny course that comes your way. Not so fast! From one Integrative Nutrition Health Coach to another, I've been there. There's one thing I'd like you to do before you jump into health coaching or signing up for another program or buy a done-for-you marketing product. What were your takeaways?  Let me know in the comments below. If you'd like to receive ongoing support, you can join me on Linkedin or Facebook. You can also respond to me on Twitter @honeybholistic with hashtags #growyourselfcoaching #healthcoaching and #IINHealthCoach. Thinking