Citizen Radio

(2017/11/30) Poor Americans will lose billions in federal benefits under Senate GOP tax bill; Cyntoia Brown is a child sex slave sent to prison for killing her abuser



Episode #1800: Sign up to support Allison's future BRAND-NEW podcast at for as little as $1/month! Parker (@parkermolloy) joins the show to discuss viewing recs that are mostly Twitter-oriented and Nintendo Switch. Also, poor Americans will lose billions of dollars worth of federal benefits under Senate GOP tax bill, Cyntoia Brown is a child sex slave sent to prison for killing her abuser, more than a million pro-repeal Net Neutrality comments were likely faked, Michael Flynn could prove to be key asset in Mueller's U.S. campaign probe, Alex Azar is Trump's HHS pick and has already been a disaster for people with diabetes  Check out Allison's piece at Reductress: 5 Dark Lipsticks to Look Hot For 30 Seconds and Then Deranged the Rest of the Day The next Patreon supporters who sign up or upgrade to $10/month will be waitlisted for the next 2018 Desi calendars: