Disrupting The Global Order With Janice Stein

Episode 13 - How to Build an Autocracy



In its first few weeks, the Trump administration moved at a rapid fire pace to disrupt the global order. The reaction was predictable. Trump supporters were delighted by the America First agenda that appealed to economic nationalism and reinforced identity politics. Critics were horrified by what they considered outright discrimination against a class of people and the violation of the U.S. constitution.  Amidst the cacophony, concern grew that American democracy could be at risk. Constitutional lawyers and scholars, and columnists across the political spectrum, have begun to worry openly. No one has been more articulate than David Frum in his dystopian article “How to Build an Autocracy,” the cover story of The Atlantic's March edition. Disrupting the Global Order host Janice Stein speaks with Frum about the major American institutions – Congress, the judiciary, and a free press – who comes to the frightening conclusion that none are strong enough.  Frum suggests that only the U.S. citizen can prevent the sl