George Digianni Health And Wellness

Gut Health



Science showing being over fat may not be your fault minus poor choices.    Dr Tim Church Said, "your body has more microbes than human cells." The human body is teeming with microbes. A number that gets bandied about is that there are 10 times as many bacterial cells as human cells inside you.  You are born bacteria-free People are born without bacteria, and acquire them in the first few years of life. Babies get their first dose of microbes as they're passing through their mother's birth canal. Bacteria can be good and bad for you You're probably aware that while some germs can make you sick, others are important for keeping you healthy and fending off infections. Sometimes, the same bacteria can do both.   PROBIOTICS The recognition that bacteria can be good for you has spawned something of a craze in probiotic supplements, consisting of live microbes purported to bestow health benefits. Many people take them after a course of antibiotics. But do they actually work? @dfwticket #weightloss #microbiome