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PS2J 23 - Rentals, Memory Cards, Simpler Times



Josh fumbles a shout out to Kevin MacLeod. He makes all the music that Josh uses for the show, sans intro jingle. Check out his info below. It’s the 19th! … Not really. And Josh is wrong, his wife bought the CAH Hanukkah subscription for him. Josh takes you through the experience of opening his Night One letter. At the time of editing the podcast, he has also received Night Three, which was more socks. And Night Three’s letter was about commitment. Alan isn’t jealous of Josh’s stump gloves. Josh talks about the biggest secret behind Five Nights At Freddys. Alan and Josh like FNAF, to watch but not play. Mike likes other survival horrors. Josh is looking forward to working with Ryan again! And we want to play games with you too Ryan! Josh apparently knows very little about Heroes of the Storm Alan saw some LoL fails. Josh didn’t see the holiday traffic he wanted when he want to WEM. Mike had a visit with robots or something. Alan tells us there is a hoverboad battery recall. We ooze into Fallout talk. Josh tal