Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 30: Is Your Relationship Making You Fat?



You may see this week's title and think you are listening to a podcast from Men's Health or another equally rubbish fitness publication. But it is an often joked about phenomena. People get into a relationship and their weight can go up. This week we discuss why your weight can change once you enter into a relationship. We discuss why dating can be bad for your health and what it is about finding somebody to love that can see your waist line increase. But fear not! It isn't all doom and gloom because in a typical Think Fit twist, we turn it around and focus on how being in a relationship can be good for your health and why working as a team can lead to long term health for all parties! We discuss the importance of push ups, an article about the five worst men's health and fitness tips (one of them is about shaving?) and answer a question about foods we hated when we were big that we love now! Follow us: Facebook:  Instagram:  Twitter