Desert Island Discourse

Episode 31: Joanna Newsom



As one of the only survivors of the short-lived and abominably-titled "freak folk" movement of the early-oughts, Joanna Newsom made a name for herself by taking what first seemed like a gimmick—her status as a classically-trained pedal-harp player—and turning it into a career packed with dense lyrical brambles, impeccably constructed song-craft, and her own divisive, inimitable chicken-fried-Björk singing voice. She's a sentimental favorite of everyone on this episode, leading to a surprisingly contentious but heartfelt discussion of the four albums she's written to date. It's an episode packed with heartbreak and unlikely alliances, capped off with our very first letters section! Also: Max reveals the origin of her vendetta against Van Dyke Parks, Andy shills for the pleasures of suburban Western Mass, and Ryan Shea gets just super roasted for, like, no reason. He’s not even on the episode. Sorry Ryan.