
#94: Community Energy



Fancy getting your hands on a bit of lovely solar or wind power, while making friends and sticking it to the big energy companies? Course you do. So, er, why isn't community energy more of a thing in the UK? Is it the fault of that nasty ol' Government? In our first ever Babble panel chat, we meet Emma Bridge, CEO of Community Energy England; Leonie Cooper, Labour's lead on Environment in the London Assembly & chair of the Environment Committee; and Andy Hunt from Bury Community Hydro. Crikey! Also, listen to the end for the sound of two adults watching a bridge go up. Sustainababble is your friendly environment podcast, out weekly. Theme and other music by the legendary Dicky Moore – Available on iTunes, Acast, Soundcloud & all those types of things, or at Visit us at @thebabblewagon and at Email us at