Cutv News Radio

Episode 589: CUTV News Radio spotlights author Loretta M. Herrington



Fairfax, VA – Our soul path is the iterations of our soul through the centuries: where we’ve been; what we’ve learned; and what we’ve come back to do. It’s how we navigate our soul’s physical journey. But imagine you met someone you remembered from your soul’s past – and they remembered you, too! “He kept saying, ‘Why is this happening? I don’t understand it,’” recalls Loretta Herrington.  Loretta is the author of Piece of Soul Through the Heart: A Soul's Journey, which recounts the story of this remarkable experience and the friendship they built together. “Meeting someone for the very first time and knowing that you’ve known them before: that was a shock,” recalls Loretta. “When I was in the presence of Zura, I felt a strong connection and it was very disconcerting. I’d not experienced something like this before. My existing belief system was completely rocked.” Loretta says most people who have these experiences (and it’s more people than you would think) choose not to pursue the relationship because it’