Cutv News Radio

Episode 602: Part 5: CUTV News Radio welcomes back Barbara Hardie of Angel Connections



Tolland, MA – An Ascended Master is a person who has raised their vibration to a sustained frequency of light to become self-realized and serve humanity. According to Barbara Hardie, every single person on this planet has the exact same soul’s purpose: to raise their vibration and become an ascended master. Barbara Hardie is the founder of Angel Connections, where she helps people to solve the challenges they are experiencing in life with input from the Angelic Realm. Barbara helps her clients connect with their spiritual self as well as what she calls their “Heavenly Helpers:” guardian angels, angels, archangels, spirit guides and ascended masters. “Life can be less complicated and more peaceful if you have a connection with God and the angelic realm,” says Hardie. “We have all the resources we need within us. We can draw on our own inherent wisdom – the Higher Self – to determine what we’re supposed to be doing in this life time.”   According to Hardie, within every individual’s soul’s purpose is a life’s m