Cutv News Radio

Episode 613: CUTV News Radio spotlights spiritual teacher Mikaya Heart



Hawaii – Spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson once said: “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Indeed, most people are afraid of the responsibility we must take if we admit how powerful we are. Mikaya Heart is a spiritual teacher and author who has dedicated her life to helping others develop what she describes as a “broader perspective on the nature of reality:” how to learn to operate on a basis of trust instead of fear. “We are all very powerful beings of light, but we have chosen to forget that,” says Mikaya. Mikaya says in Western culture, we've been taught to value the power of the rational brain above anything else. The rational brain is very useful, but not infallible. To be “happily human,” we must integrate the mind, the emotions, and the body with soul. Today, Mikaya holds workshops on the process of spiritual awakening. “Everyone has the ability to get in touch with their own personal inner wisdom,” says Mikaya. “My job is to help people get in touch with that powerful force