Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 27- The Big Book Report- Hoaxes (with Chris Honeywell)



This is it! In this latest ball-cutting episode, His Excellency Magnus is once again joined by Two True Freaks co-host and former SNL script writer Chris Honeywell for the latest in the Big Book Report series, this one centering on the Big Book of Hoaxes from DC Comics/Paradox Press, written by Carl Sifakis and illustrated by artists too numerous (and awesome) to mention.This 3.5 hour epic features one of the episode's co-hosts confessing a willingness to experiment with cannibalism, Magnus throwing a verbal grenade about all journalism at all times in the entire world all through history, sound clips from movies and Magnus digging through listener feedback. And at some point, Magnus and Honeywell also talk about the hoaxes listed in the book.3.5 hours, people. This episode is not for the faint-hearted. If you suffer from high blood pressure, low blood pressure, astigmatism, lysdexia, hearing loss, erectile dysfunction or basically any other problem, this episode may not be safe for you. During test-screening