Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 83- Big Book of Little Criminals (with Chris Honeywell)



In this week's ball-stealing adventure, Magnus is once joined by Chris Honeywell, recently out on parole, for another entry in the Big Book Report. The duo take a look back at the Big Book of Little Criminals... which provides a nice opportunity for Big Book Reporters to take a fond and maybe not-so-fond look back at various scumbags, miscreants and general lowlifes they've known over the years. And it ain't pretty either. Because of the SIZE of comic discussion this around, there's no real opportunity for Magnus to whip out the ol' mailsack and stretch it open nice and wide. But even so, you lowly beggars and miscreants shouldn't feel left out. You commoners and peasants are always welcome to pay your pathetic attempt at tribute to Magnus. DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept bribes to present your missives to His Excellency for review. The email address to use is, whereupon your leader might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discu