Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 87- How Green Was the Goblin's Last Stand?



In this week's ball-gassing episode, Magnus felt like reading a crapload of Spider-Man comics. Actually, nothing much new there. That's been going on for months now. But the difference this time around is the historical nature of the issues in question. Yes, it would be fair to say that Amazing Spider-Man #39-#40 and #121-#122 are of considerable historical input. And, as it happens, very influential on the live action films we've seen up to now. So there's that. But most of all, this is a treasured continuation of His Excellency's downtime before things. Get. Real. Because it won't be long now before episode #100 comes along. And shortly after that Magnus will embark upon what amounts to a year a of six episode miniseries about miscellaneous and sundry themes, topics, storylines and other stuff. Enjoy it while you can, people. For those easily tricked by click-bait teases, "You won't believe what Magnus said about Norman Osborne!" Because of the amount of discussion about the ol' funny books this week, there