Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 89- Magnus & Honeywell Warm Up for the Big Book Report- Vice



In this week's ball-trampling episode, Magnus is joined by Chris Honeywell for an impromptu discussion. Actually, it's warm up for the Big Book Report- Vice episode coming soon to a podcast feed near you. Basically Honeywell and His Excellency gabbed about technology, Big Media, music and Honey-Do lists. And a wonderful time was had by all. There's a reason this episode was never officially announced on the Trentus Magnus Facebook page. For those given to click-bait teases, "You won't believe what Honeywell said about Christian music!" Because of the amount of discussion about absolutely nothing this week, there's no opportunity to soak up adoration from the teeming masses. Notwithstanding though, you lowly beggars and miscreants shouldn't feel left out. You commoners and peasants are always welcome to pay your pathetic attempt at tribute to Magnus. DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept bribes to present your missives to His Excellency for review. The email address to use is excelle