Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 97- Batman & Robin Begin- Shadowbox & The General



In this week's ball-slapping episode, Magnus continues enjoying what little remains of the downtime before the 100th episode and the onslaught of megaseries that 2015 and 2016 portend. This week's comics focus on Batman #467-#469, a three part story entitled Shadowbox, wherein Chuck Dixon and Tom Lyle pretty much nail down what will be the status quo between Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake for the first several years of their partnership. Batman & Robin begin, one might say. Also relevant to that is The General from Detective Comics #654-#656. Tim Drake is noticeably absent from that story, which says much about the status quo that Dixon was laboring to create. Plus, how can you not love the art by Tom Lyle and Michael Netzer, right? Right? Am I right? So all around this is some amazingly awesome Batman goodness which, strangely enough, nobody ever recognizes as being as formative to this era of Batman and Robin as they are. So luckily Magnus is here to kick some awesome science on all your lame selves. Unfortu