Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 99- I Had A Dream I Was A Jedi



In this week's ball-sabering show, the final one before the epic, epic, EPIC 100th episode, Magnus winds up the downtime with a partially fond, partially hostile, partially ambivalent look back at Star Wars- Episode I- The Phantom Menace. Much has been said about this, the most maligned Star Wars film of all time. But none of it has been said by His Excellency Magnus and so you haven't heard EVERYTHING yet. Actually, there's a very good argument that you haven't heard ANYTHING yet. Is it the greatest film ever made? A cancer upon the Star Wars saga? The loudest, harshest, most ball-kicking wake up call the fan community ever got? A middle finger from a complacent, out of touch billionaire toy huckster playing filmmaker? Or is it one man's deadlevel best effort to deliver an entertaining film? Giving that away would nullify any requirement to listen to the episode, would it not? Still, for you weak-minded fools who never fail to be tricked by tricky click-bait trickery, tactics "Magnus said *WHAT* about Ben Bu