Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 103- Extinction Level Event 01- DC- Legends (with Michael Bailey)



This is IT! In this week's ball-televising episode, Magnus kicks off a year of virtual non-stop miniseries dedicated to a single topic, theme, idea, character, cook book recipe, Bea Arthur or storyline! To help kick off the festivities, this miniseries festivities are helped with getting kicked off by Michael "get the diesel fuel!" Bailey. Yes, this week marks the kicking off of the festivities surrounding Extinction Level Event. You've seen the hype, you've heard the promos, you were confused by the Facebook banner and you know Bailey is joining the show this time around. Extinction Level Event is upon us! The stakes have never been higher! All of creation hangs in the balance! It's up to a handful (or a crapload) of superheroes to save the day! But WILL THEY SUCCEED? The only fair, fitting and right way to kick off the festivities of such an indescribably epic megaseries of mega epicness in this series is to take long, fond, affection and long lookback at Legends, the first major crossover in DC's Post-Cris