Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 104- Extinction Level Event 02- Marvel- House of M (with Scott W. Ryfun)



In this week's ball-warping episode, Magnus continues a year of virtually non-stop miniseries dedicated to a single topic, theme, idea, character, headbanging instrumental death-polka or storyline! Extinction Level Event continues! The stakes haven't been this high since the last time they were this high! All of civilization hangs in the balance! It's up to a handful (or a crapton) of superheroes to save the day! But! WILL THEY SUCCEED? This takes the form of a long lookback at House of M. Joining in the fun this is none other than Scott W. Ryfun of Dinner 4 Geeks fame, who has quite a lot to say about House of M. At least he's got a lot to say about the main limited series at least as there are far too many tie-in's to cover in but one podcast episode. But you never knows what future episodes may be about, eh? Eh, loyal subjects? Eh? Has this been hyped up well enough for you yet? For those of you who contribute to the ruination of originality online by constantly falling for click-bait marketing, "Ryfun *TO