Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 105- Extinction Level Event 03- DC- Armageddon 2001 (with Professor Alan)



In this week's ball-transforming episode, Magnus continues a year of virtually uninterrupted miniseries dedicated to one specific theme, topic, character, idea, clump of pocket lint or storyline! Extinction Level Event continues! The stakes haven't been this high since the ending to this issue got suddenly changed! Liberty and freedom hang perilously in the balance and it's up to a time-travelling firebrand to save the day! But! WILL HE SUCCEED? The discussion this week finds Magnus and Professor Alan of the Relatively Geeky Network in general and the Quarter-Bin Podcast in particular unapologetically exulting in the splendid awesomeness that is Armageddon 2001. Both hosts make a special point of mentioning there's more to Armageddon 2001 than a last minute change to the story. His Excellency and the good professor both opine about a tasteful sampling of tie-in annuals from the summer of 1991. Sadly there are too many to cover in just one episode. But, as Armageddon 2001 proves textually and subtextually, you