Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 106- Extinction Level Event 04- Marvel- Secret Invasion (with Michael Bailey)



In this week's ball-masking episode, Magnus carries on with a year of nearly uninterrupted miniseries dedicated to one specific theme, topic, character, idea, nose-berry or storyline! Extinction Level Event continues! The stakes haven't been this high since last week! The fate of the entire planet is at stake as these aliens continue their all-out assault on the whole world even though we mostly just see the action in one particular city. Mankind's first, last, only and best hope is group of superhuman who don't even fully trust each other. They alone can turn the tide! BUT WILL WILL THEY SUCCEED? The discussion this week finds Magnus and Michael Bailey from every freaking podcast on the entire Internet serve Marvel's Secret Invasion limited series a Cosbypolitan and taking turns with it. Jokes are made, story arcs are analyzed, characterization is studied and fun is had. Is that enough hype yet? Magnus and Bailey inevitably draw comparisons between this and certain other high profile Marvel crossovers. For t