Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 112- Women in Comics 02- It's All Yours- Batgirl #01



In this week's ball-reeducating episode, Magnus gabs about the first issue of the Cassandra Cain Batgirl series written by Scott Peterson & Kelley Puckett and drawn by Damion Scott. Magnus ends up rambling a bit too much so there was only time for just one issue this time around. But at least it's stuff you've never heard ANYbody say about the Cassandra Cain series before. So you'll take your one issue and you'll *LIKE* it! You see, this is all part of the megaseries about women in comics. Which is titled (wait for it!) Women in Comics. Comics about female characters are what are on the docket. And there will be plenty more to choose from in the future! For those of you who are determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, "Magnus gives a shout out to WHO at the very beginning?" Because of all the comic book awesomeness this week, there's just no time for listener feedback. But that shouldn't discourage the rest of you from offering your feeble attempt at tribut