Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 121- This is the End 03- Terminal Velocity (with J. David Weter But You Can Call Him Dave!)



In this week's ball-racing episode, J. David Weter But You Can Call Him Dave swings by to hang out with Magnus and continue His Excellency's This is the End mega series, which is all about that trend in the 90's when the main hero would die, get incapacitated or otherwise get chased out of his job in favor of someone else. Here at Trentus Magnus Punches Reality, our dedicated staff universally adore those stories (or else!). And, as long time loyal subjects learned from the beginning, what Magnus believes is the definitive statement as to what *IS*. This week, Dave and Magnus gab about all things Terminal Velocity. What did Mark Waid do right? What did his army of artists royally screw up? Does Terminal Velocity even count for the aforementioned "Let's replace the main hero" shtick? Dave and Magnus take turns pining for Mike Wieringo, analyzing story bits and having an open, balanced exchange concerning Dave's opinions about Impulse. No judgments are made, both points of view are validated and the mutual resp