Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

The I.O.U. Episode- Magnus Does a Mea Culpa (Plus The Shadow Strikes #01!)



In this week's ball-clouding episode, Magnus is forced to change the subject for reasons that will become clear later. For right now, this is a show that's been planned since the very beginning of Trentus Magnus Punches Reality. It's been delayed for various reasons on too many occasions to count but this week offered the perfect opportunity to do a show about The Shadow Strikes #01, written by Gerard Jones and illustrated by Eduardo Barreto. The Shadow unexpectedly reconnects with an old flame from the old world. Meanwhile, the lovely Margot Lane becomes embroiled in a mysterious cult led by a nigh-mythic figure from the early 20th century. Fact and fiction collide in this, the first issue of an epic comic book series. Who can say where fact ends and fiction begins? Or which is which? Once that's all over, Magnus takes the occasion to yammer on about 'Dead Again', a Superman storyline from 1994 which the hosts of From Crisis to Crisis have been covering for a while now. And, in typical Magnus fashion, your w