Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 126- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Mighty Season 03 Part 04- Things Would've Been So Different Between Us (Plus Coming Attractions!)



In this week's ball-hypnotizing episode, Magnus continues the Smallville retrospective. In this week's adventure, Resurrection, Crisis, Legacy, Truth and Memoria from the Mighty Season 3 are put under the microscope. Plot lines are put together, character arcs are pulled apart, everything gets dropped into a blender and put on High and it would be fairly safe to say that nobody but nobody has ever analyzed Smallville to this nearly pornographic level. Many revelations are made in this batch of episodes, arguably none more shocking than goings on related to Clark and Lex's respective mothers. But that's not all! Once the Smallville discussion has run its course, Magnus looks to the future and gives a glimpse of coming attractions planned for 2016. For those determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, "You won't believe which beloved fanboy movie Magnus compares Memoria to!" Due to the avalanche of ass-kickery, unfortunately there was just no time for listener feedb