Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 129- The Butt-Crack of Dawn for the Golden Age- Detective Comics #28-#37



In this week's ball-burning episode, Magnus continues the ultra super mega deluxe Special Edition 13-part Batman v. Superman megaseries epic! The objective here is to take salute Batman comics, Superman comics and Batman & Superman comics! In terms of comics, this megaseries has covered and will cover the oldest of the old, the newest of the new and a tasteful selection of everything in between! In this week's adventure, the spotlight falls on the oldest of the old as Magnus talks about Detective Comics #28-#37. This is the earliest incarnation of Batman (unless The Shadow counts) where the character, his world and his entire genre all begin getting defined. For those determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, "You'll be shocked to hear when this episode was originally intended to be released!" Due to the avalanche of ass-kickery, unfortunately there was just no time for listener feedback this week. Something will need to be done about the backlog of feedback