Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 13: The Worst Weight Loss Excuses & Why We Stopped Using Them



I'm too tired, it's too hard, I don't have time. Do these sound familiar? Most people will be guilty of using these sort of excuses at some point and we are no different. This week we discuss some of the biggest and worst excuses we have heard or used (and continue to) instead of training or eating well. We talk about what happened or how we realised that we were using excuses and how we learned to stop. Using different language like training isn't a priority instead of saying I'm too busy or coming up with ways to make your exercise fun instead of boring are some ways we stopped making excuses and started making change. We discuss the article '10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Even Trying' (You can probably tell it isn't very good) and answer some questions we received from our listeners.  Thank you to everyone who has posted a review! IF you have a spare minute please jump on ITUNES and post one. Here is the link to the article Robo talks about: Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.c