Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 18: How Your Weight Loss Impacts Other People



Extreme weight loss can be difficult for a person to adjust to. You see a different person in the mirror who doesn't look like the person you think you are. You can struggle with the new version of you. What about the other people in your life? How do they manage with the extreme change? Whether it is your parent, sibling, friend, co-worker or significant other, these people also have to make some adjustments in how they deal with the new you. This week we share a number of stories about how our relationships with those people closest to us have changed and some of the struggles that both parties face. We discuss the secret habits of slim people that other people can learn from and have a chat about whether there is such a thing as healthy chocolate (seriously, companies are claiming to make healthy chocolate now!) Please jump on iTunes and give the show a review if you like to have our voices in your ears! Follow us: Facebook: Instagram: