Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 24: How To Make Time For Fitness - Tips & Tricks To Optimise Your Time



Do you find you are always running out of time? Do you have the best intentions of heading to the gym or going for a run but get caught doing other things? We think it's pretty normal for people to fall into this cycle. It is something that we both did. One of the ways we were both able to make positive change and successfully lose weight was to create time in our day to get active and make smart food choices. This week we share our experiences with making time for healthy habits that we hope can help you too! We talk through the process from trying to identify where your time goes, strategies to use 'dead time' more effectively and how to find time in your busy day to fit in your healthy activities. We discuss strategies around food to make healthy eating as effortless as possible and go off on a few tangents along the way. Literally these are the ways that we both managed to make change in our lives and it is also how we are both able to fit in the time for the training demands of racing now. We discuss som