Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

How to Stop Moralizing Your Food Choices



Jane is a wellness coach and has a deep and technical knowledge of nutrition, so by nature she eats super healthy and enjoys it. She also suffers from Celiac disease and has many other food sensitivities, so has to restrict her foods even more to avoid serious health problems. Her biggest issue is that because she knows so much about nutrition she feels guilty eating anything that contains starch, because of a lingering five pounds she'd like to lose. This tendency to moralize her food choices as "good" or "bad" causes her to second guess even some of her healthy choices and she feels terribly guilty eating some of the foods she loves (like oatmeal and sweet potatoes), even though they are nutritious Real Foods. So even when Jane "indulges" it is hard for her to truly enjoy it. For those five pounds, Jane has been suffering like this for eleven years. Together we dissect where her perfectionist streak is coming from and come up with a strategy for moving on. I also offer her a few ideas on solving her "l