Loitering And...

Ep.20 Loitering And... Comic Con Panel!!!



After the Loiterers defeated the evil King and freed the world from conformity, with the help of Dan Price and his Heroes. The Universe took notice and asked them to assemble a team to teach others how to ward off the corrupt masses fleeing the now cleansed world. Knowing the future of the entire universe depended on them, they quickly gathered the greatest worriers they knew; Damon Miller, Angel Mascareno, and Carlos O'Leary of The Pop Pod gang, and the Specter himself, Eddie Rotten from the Zombie Life Podcast world. With their powers combined, they become an unstoppable team of Panelists and embark on a journey to save the universe from the threat of boring conformity. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us during Comic Con and who came to see the panel, we had a great time and met a lot of cool people. Enjoy and as always, Happy Loitering!!!