Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

11/18/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Our own FBI Director, James Comey, said last month that the government can't vet all Syrian refugees for terror ties, yet President Obama says there is a very extensive screening process. It should be common sense - if we can't vet people they can't come here. The Syrian refugees are not the problem; ISIS infiltrating the Syrian refugees is the problem. This is a different situation than accepting Jews in the 1930's, Vietnamese and other groups who have fled to the U.S. None of them were coming from areas threatening attacks on the U.S. We need a commander and chief who will stand up to the violence of ISIS and not create a situation that will compromise national security. Later, Ted Cruz calls in to discuss his plans to block the Syrian refugees and Obama's cheap shots towards him. Finally Sarah Palin calls in to discuss the Syrian refugees and her new book, Sweet Freedom: A Devotional, is out now.