Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

11/20/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



America is being dragged into a disaster much like the Roman Empire and other civilizations that fell in the past. America has to protect its sovereignty and culture or we will cease to exist. No society is immortal but national decline can be reversed. Also, there's another media effort to smear Donald Trump, this time an NBC reporter claiming he said we need a Muslim database; Trump was referring to an immigration database. But it's Obama and the government who has a database on every American, with the IRS, NSA, TSA and Obamaacre. So why wouldnt we have a database for everybody who comes into this county - no matter what thier race or religion is? Finally, Army Staff Sergeant Travis Mills, who survived quadruple amputee injuries, calls in to discuss his great new book, "Tough As They Come".